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Monday, October 15, 2012

MZ-Tools for VBA and VB6

MZ-Tools is a terrific tool for anybody serious in getting some code done in Excel VBA and VB6.

Press here to download this free tool MZ-tools

With this tool is much easier to document your code and speed up some repetivie tasks.
The tools I use most often are

1) Insert and Remove line numbers.
    This is very usefull if you want to add the line number at which an error occurs with the Erl functions

2) Add Module Header. This is the the snipped I use

' Module    : {MODULE_NAME}
' Author    : {AUTHOR}
' Date      : {DATE}
' Purpose   : 

Option Explicit

Private Const cMODULE_NAME As String = "{MODULE_NAME}"

3) Add Procedure Header

' Procedure : {PROCEDURE_NAME}
' Author    : {AUTHOR}
' Date      : {DATE}
' Purpose   : 
' Inputs    :
' Output    :

4) Error Handler

    Const cPROC_NAME As String = "{PROCEDURE_NAME}()"

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler



    Call ErrorHandler.Log(cMODULE_NAME, cPROC_NAME, Err.description,)

All those code snippets must be added in the option... dialog box of the MZ-Tools add-in.

Havin a module header and a procedure header for each module and procedure that you write will greatly enhance code maintainance.

In addition I have also and Error Handling snippet. This use my ErrorHandler module.
The ErroHandler module is a piece of code I wrote to manage in a coherent way the error raised by an application.

1 comment:

  1. So nice I am enjoying for that post as for u latest version of this Security tool Available
